

> import Sound.Honk

This is a literate Haskell file. To run it, simply paste this in a .lhs file and load it up in GHCi. You can then play each of these by typing in their names.

By the way, I welcome additions to this page!

> beepOnce = playOne $ Note 1.0 440 -- 440 Hz for 1 second

> airport = play $ [Note 0.5 261.6, Note 0.5 329.6, Note 0.5 392.0,
>                   Note 1.5 532.3]

> connectionLost = play $ loop 5 $ [Note 1 440, Note 1 0]

> glissando = play $ map (Note 0.01) $ map midiToFreq [30,30.05..120]

My favorite one—once you try this, you’ll understand why:

> phoneCall = ring ++ [Note 0.2 0] ++ ring ++ [Note 2 0]
>     where ring = loop 8 $ map (Note 0.025) $ map midiToFreq [72,76]